Dune 2?

Last week, I finally submitted a draft of my latest book to the publisher.

It was a long project – it was a book about walking across a desert and writing it felt a bit like… walking across a desert.

Afterwards, Christine and I took a couple of days off to celebrate, which included going to see Dune 2 on IMAX… which was also about a big desert – it was rather overwhelming!

Sometimes people say to me they could never do journeys like mine – but in my experience, desk-based challenges (whether writing, running a business, sales, etc) require just as much courage, creativity, resilience and agility.

Anyway, a relief to be out the other side, at least until I get the manuscript back in a month or two and the next stage of editing gets going.

hashtagresilience hashtagagility

(One photo below is from Dune 2, the other one is from my journey!)

A shot from Dune 2 the movie

A shot from Dune 2 the movie

Walking the Desert of Death

Walking the Desert of Death