My wife and I have just returned from a 3,501 mile expedition from Los Angeles to New York, via Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Oklahoma, Little Rock, Nashville and Washington DC. We certainly learnt a lot along the way – about ourselves, about working together, and about the big, wide, varied land of America. We experienced plenty of good times, plenty of tough times, and plenty of sun, food, rain, cars, deserts, farms, cities, prairies, mountains, and friendly American people.
I always find it interesting, when I am actually on an expedition, to be again living out the Attitudes of Adventure which I speak about in my motivational speaking: goal setting, practising self-care, growing in resiliency, remembering we don’t have to make it on our own, problem solving, calculated risk-taking… they are all so key to success in achieving challenging goals in life – whether on a literal adventure, or at a personal level, or at work.
We are now back in Hong Kong, and I have now started work on a book about the expedition. I will shortly be posting up a montage of video highlights on this site. In the meantime, please do enjoy this small section of photos from Instagram.